Light Up Life 2023
Which is our motivation?

Which is our motivation?


A hundred cities from Latin America united on December 28, 2022 in an unprecedented Pro-Life GESTURE around the world. #LightingUpLife2023 IS COMING! This year we will do it again!!

There have been steps forward and backwards in relation to children in the current year. We are becoming aware of the after-effects of abortion, the perverted types of indoctrination and the huge tragedy of child prostitution and sexualization. Besides, some governments as well as civil society are beginning to protect children, while others are increasing pressure on them and expanding abortion, and in many places the trafficking in children continues, as we have seen in the film Sound of Freedom. That is why this year we are going to defend innocent lives taking into account all these aspects.

Yes. We are already preparing this year’s #LightingUpLife: we will keep the flame of life burning on the Feast of the Holy Innocents. The slogan is #ChildrenAreSacred, and therefore we will defend their life and their freedom.

We are delighted to share with you this first promotional video message

We are taking to the streets to light a candle for the children who died and never saw the light. A candle to demand that there is a right to life, which is the first and most basic of all rights, and to report all those modern “Herods” who keep slaughtering children.

Our hands will be raised as a sign of innocence, while we say, loud and clear, that “a child must not be aborted, a child must not be indoctrinated nor sexualized, a child must not be enslaved”.

Because this massacre of babies in the womb is still a silent scream, as was the biblical killing of the Innocent. Furthermore, these children die and nobody cares; they are forgotten by most citizens and politicians. We will remember them.

«One day, abortion will be unthinkable” (Mayra Rodríguez)


We want to put the massive killing of babies in the womb, as well as the ideological use and sexual exploitation of children, back on the agenda of public debate. And we are sure that, sooner rather than later, we will win that debate.

We intend to work collaboratively to conclusively repeal, once and for all, the laws protecting the culture of death, especially those imposing the social and legal aberration of killing unborn children, but also the ones covering indoctrination and sexualization of minors.

On this important day, we hope to join and remember the innocent children, as they are the first victims of this slaughter. A bloody or a non-bloody – but equally painful – killing.

At the same time, we want to comfort their mothers, who are also victims of this culture of death, being with them in their mourning and post-abortion syndrome process and joining the families in their fight for their right to educate and keep their children safe.

Finally, we wish to accompany and bring light to our blind society, so that our fellow citizens can see that the only possible option is life and freedom, and with the aim that they themselves can rebel against the culture of death.


  • On December 28, 2023, at nightfall (where possible), or at any other suitable time, as specified by the organizers, there will be meetings and rallies where a COMMON MANIFESTO will be read, CANDLES will be lit and HANDS will be raised as a sign of innocence.
  • It will be up to the organizers to decide whether there will be other actions as well, such as Pro-Life testimonies (either read or spoken), minutes of silence, prayers, reading of suitable texts, live or recorded songs, etc.
  • We will keep inviting Pro-Life leaders, social agents, religious and political leaders, etc. to take part in this initiative, generate support, establish relations…
  • We will launch a new common #LightingUpLife2023 Manifesto, evenclearer and more forceful, to be read during every Pro-Life Gesture.
  • We will present this LIGHTING UP LIFE campaign to the public through press releases, press conferences, etc., and we will do our best to appear in the media with our message: “CHILDREN ARE SACRED”.
  • We will offer materials and tools for increased visibility for all those who take part in Pro-Life Gestures.

Campaign HASHTAGS:  







#LifeActs #December28